Over the last years, IGF researchers have developed cutting-edge technical facilities, which provide all the groups with excellent tools for systematic analysis of biological processes.
These facilities are part of Biocampus: http://www.biocampus.cnrs.fr/index.php/en/plateformes, and opened to any researcher either from the academic or industrial world.
Five platforms are hosted at the IGF and provide state-to-the-art supports in Pharmacology, Proteomics, In vivo imaging, Genomics and Vectorology.
Aujourd’hui, la pharmacologie ne vise pas seulement à comprendre le mode d’action des molécules actives et le fonctionnement des cibles de ces molécules, mais intègre l’analyse de l’environnement des cibles, leur association en complexes protéiques régulateurs et la diversité croissante de leurs activités et signalisations. Elle relève donc de l’analyse des systèmes biologiques.
Elle utilise pour cela des techniques de plus en plus performantes et qui reposent sur des technologies de pointe.
La plateforme ARPEGE s’inscrit dans cette évolution de la pharmacologie.
All informations about facility on web site: http://www.arpege.cnrs.fr/
The Functional Proteomics Platform is one of the four platforms of the Proteomics Pole of Montpellier-Languedoc Roussillon (http://www.ppm.cnrs.fr/), a regional, multisite IBiSA platform gathering the technological facilities in proteomic analysis of Montpellier.
The Functional Proteomics Platform provides expertise and services in the different steps of proteomic analysis, including sample preparation, mass spectrometry, data processing and validation. The platform is equipped with three Fourier transform mass spectrometers, one LTQ Orbitrap XL including an ETD source, one LTQ Velos Pro Orbitrap Elite and one Q-Exactive. It offers solutions at the highest international standards in proteome fractionation, large-scale and targeted quantitative proteomics, using isotope labelling (metabolic or chemical labelling) or label-free procedures, and analysis of post-translational modifications, in frame of scientific collaborations or services.
All informations about facility on web site : www.fpp.cnrs.fr
All informations about facility on web site: www.ipam.cnrs.fr
Le plateau IGF a été créé en 1999 lors de la mise en place de la Génopole Montpellier - Languedoc-Roussillon. Il est installé sur le campus Arnaud de Villeneuve, au sein de l’Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle et de l’Institut de Génétique Humaine.
Ce plateau propose les services suivants :
- Puces à ADN (à façon et Nimblegen)
- Séquençage haut débit (Illumina)
- Biostatistiques et Bioinformatique
Les applications incluent notamment l’étude du transcriptome de nombreuses espèces animales, végétales et procaryotes, mais également les techniques d’étude de la structure et de la dynamique chromatinienne (ChIP-Seq, Hi-C), la recherche de mutations (exome sequencing), l’étude des petits ARN (small RNAseq), le séquençage de génome, la recherche de variants (RADseq)…
All informations about facility on web site: www.mgx.cnrs.fr
The technical facility « Lentivectors » belongs to the Vectorolory platform of Montpellier (PVM) and is dedicated to the production of lentiviral particles for research.
In addition to this service, this technical facility provides help and support to laboratories to set up and to optimize the procedures for their experiments. The "Lentivectors" facility is open to laboratories that are not affiliated to the IGF.
All informations for this facility can be found on this website : https://www.rhem.cnrs.fr/index.php
StatAbio is an Biostatistics Facility of BioCampus Montpellier. It helps scientists in their quest to data analysis and statistics mainly dealing with biological data, such as genomics, proteomics, cell or in vivo imaging, etc.