Research interests

We use the intestinal epithelium as a model to study the key properties of epithelia with rapid turnover, such as their function as an interface between the organism and the environment, and the diseases associated with alterations in these properties, including cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases.

We are studying the signalling pathways involved in the maintenance and differentiation of the intestinal epithelial stem cells. We also study the function of differentiated cells in regulating the organism interactions with its environment, including the gut microbiota. Our experimental approach relies on a combination of mouse genetics, molecular and cellular biology and analyses at the pan-genomic scale.

Ongoing projects

Turnover of intestinal epithelial cells in health and disease

  1. Function of the Sox9 transcription factor     (read more)

  2. Stem cells and cancer     (read more)

  3. Tuft cells in health and disease     (read more)

Molecular determinants of susceptibility to tumorigenesis     (read more)


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